Question Generator - Unified Questioner Transformer

11 Oct 2021

In the previous blog posts, the question generator almost always starting with entity/category questions and majority of other questions are spatial. However these kind of questions hit a block, if multiple objects share attributes, or the visual scene is complex. Also the Guesser targets a single object and does not consider the relationship among objects.

Today’s paper Unified Questioner Transformer for Descriptive Question Generation in Goal-Oriented Visual Dialogue, focusing on building an agent that can work around through these issues. The paper also discusses about imperfectness of Oracle model

Authors: Matsumori et al
Published: At ICCV 2021

The proposed architecture and the generated dialogues are given below

questioner_arch     questioner_arch

Oracle Model:

Food for thought:

#visual #dialog #unified #transformer #referring #expression #clevr #ask #guesswhat #task-oriented