Question Generator - Hallucinating Entities in GuessWhat?!

05 Nov 2021

True to its title, the paper, Hallucinating Entities in GuessWhat?! brings out how existing question generators hallucinating entities while conversing with the oracle. Hallucination referes to generating words that are not matching with source data. And these hallucinations creating a domino effect in the generated dialogues and degrading the overall quality of the system. Such systems are harmful to deploy in real-world as it persons with viewing disabilities value correctness over the fine-grained descriptions.

The below image showcases the queries for entities that are not existing in the visual scene.


Authors: Testoni et al
Published: at ACL IJCNLP-2021

The proposed architecture and the sample dialogue are given below

hallucinating_architecture       hallucinating_percents

Authors observations:

Food for thought:

#visual #dialouge #hallucinations #guesswhat #task-oriented